Boost Your Telegram Advertising Worldwide In 2024

Telegram Advertising: In the ever-evolving landscape of online advertising, Telegahas emerged as a specialized network for promoting Telegram groups and channels worldwide. With a focus on reliability and effectiveness, Telega has solidified itself as a trustworthy platform for crafting and executing successful advertising campaigns on Telegram.

Telegram Advertising ads

Services Offered by Telega

Telega stands out for providing a variety of services designed to simplify and enhance advertising campaigns on Telegram. Key featured services include:

  • Target Audience Discovery: Telega assists in finding target audiences on Telegram, ensuring that advertising campaigns reach relevant users.
  • Launching Successful Advertising Campaigns: The platform facilitates the process of launching effective advertising campaigns, connecting advertisers with trusted channels and bots.

Telega Statistics

  • Users on Ad Exchange: 130,725 users, with an increase of 4,162 in the last month.
  • Manually Verified Channels: 3,919 channels, with an increase of 264 in the last month.
  • Online Users: 101 users online at the moment.

Telegram Advertising Process with Telega

Manual Telegram Ads Placement

  • Manually search for Telegram channels.
  • Confirm the authenticity of each channel’s subscribers.
  • Communicate with various channel owners.
  • Handle separate payments to different owners.
  • Design various types of advertising posts.
  • Submit each ad post individually to respective channel owners. Keep track of the publication of each ad post across channels.

Automatic Advertising on Telegram with Telega

  • Sign up for Telega.
  • Select relevant channels from its catalog.
  • Top up your balance conveniently.
  • Create your Telegram advertising post.
  • Kickstart your Telegram ads campaign.
  • Receive notifications of every ad placement.

Boost Your Advertising with

Unleash the power of global outreach with! Join now to elevate your Telegram advertising game. Don’t miss out, Sign up Now!

Telega Advertising Packages


  • Reach of 35,000 views.
  • Price: $499.00.
  • Ideal package to commence impactful Telegram ads on a budget.


  • Reach of 78,000 views.
  • Price: $899.00.
  • Optimal package for small business advertising.


  • Reach of 225,000 views.
  • Price: $3,500.00.
  • Immediate audience targeting package for specific campaigns.


  • Reach of 560,000 views.
  • Price: $7,000.00.
  • Package for large-scale ad campaigns.


  • Reach of 1.1 million views.
  • Price: $15,000.00.
  • Solution for global advertising efforts.

Research on the Advertising Market in Russian Telegram Channels

In collaboration with experts, Telega conducted an in-depth study of the advertising market in Russian-language Telegram channels in 2020.

Key Findings

  • Advertising market volume: $168.9 million.
  • Most popular categories include “Business and Finance,” “Women’s Section,” and “Mass Media.”
  • Objective methodology utilizing CPC and CPM to determine the advertising market volume.

Expert Comments

  • Mikhail Raitsin: “The expansion of the native advertising market in Telegram piques significant interest, not only within Russia but also in international markets.”
  • Dmitry Zaitsev states: “The market is already vast, undergoing rapid expansion, with the potential for global adoption of both native and classic advertising tools.”

Telega: The Largest Telegram Ad Exchange

  • Completed Orders: 125,000+.
  • Registered Users: 76,000+.
  • Channels in the Catalog: 4,264+.

Telega Affiliate Program

Telega offers an affiliate program for users to earn while promoting the platform.

  • Fixed affiliate reward of 3.3% for each successful ad purchase on Telega.
  • 1.5% reward for each ad on the invited channel.


Telega not only streamlines the Telegram advertising process but also provides opportunities for users to earn through its affiliate program. With consistent growth and a prominent presence in the Telegram advertising market, Telega stands out as a comprehensive choice for advertisers and channel owners alike.